Millennium Development Goals
Monitoring and Evaluation of Nigeria's Debt Relief Gains on the Millennium Development Goals
Coverage: Nigeria
This programme has been implemented over the last eight years and is funded by the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President in Millennium Development Goals. Over this period, the CDD has produced over 5 National reports and submitted the same to the Nigerian Government.
The Centre for Democracy and Development is the appointed National CSOs a position CDD has occupied since the commencement of the project in 2007 till 2015 the official termination year of the MDGs. Her roles were general coordination of 45 civil society organisations (CSOs) engaged in the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of DRGs funded projects and programmes in Nigeria under the auspices of the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on MDGs; periodic visits to project sites; analysis of findings; collation of state reports; production and presentation of the annual MDGs/DRGs report and general reports with recommendations on the overall conduct on the M&E activities to the presidency.
Monitoring of the Virtual Poverty Fund
Coverage: Nigeria
The project ‘Monitoring the Virtual Poverty Fund’ was aimed at monitoring the implementation of projects funded by the Debt Relief Gains in the country. The intermediaries’ intervention was at two levels. Firstly, working towards strengthening institutional capacity within the MDAs in three critical sectors - Education, Health and Water Resources for delivery of the MDGs. Secondly, Tracking/Monitoring the Virtual Poverty Fund to ensure accountable, transparent and effective use of the Fund as a strategy for enabling the government achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The focal states are: Cross River, Benue, Enugu, Gombe, Kano and Lagos States.
Can Nigeria meet the MDGS in 2015?
Donor: European Union
Duration: 2007
Coverage: Nigeria
This project was funded by the EU. The book was an output of a research. It was an offshoot of a four-day workshop/retreat held in Kaduna between September 14 to 17 2007. It consisted of the collection of works by various Nigerian scholars and activists with experience in development planning, policy process and policy making. The work provided an assessment of the progress and challenges of meeting and surpassing the MDGs in Nigeria.
The Millennium Development Goals Progress, Prospects and Policy Implications.
Coverage: Nigeria
This was research conducted in 2014 by experts from both local and international levels. The research was necessitated by the need for Nigeria to rethink her MDGs framework as it enters the period and process of scaling up approaches on MDGs through the development of an MDGs acceleration framework and devising means to fast track the implementation of the countdown strategy. It was therefore important for CDD to carry out an overhaul of the MDGs in Nigeria through this research having participated actively in the process since inception.
Breaking Point: A Review of Progress Towards the Attainment of the MDGs in Nigeria.
Duration: 2012
Coverage: Nigeria
This was research conducted in 2012. It was prepared for “Breaking with Business as usual: Perspective from Civil Society in the Commonwealth on the MDGS and was funded by the United Nations Millennium Campaign (UNMC). The research was conducted to x-ray the prevailing situation on the achievement of the MDGs in Nigeria with a view of the approaching deadline of 2015.
Partnership that works: Monitoring the Implementation of MDGS in Nigeria.
Coverage: Nigeria
This publication was an account of CDD’s experience in promoting people centred development agenda, fostering partnerships for attaining the MDGs and building capacity for monitoring and evaluation of the MDG exercise. The publication was funded by CDD and it offers a reflection on the lessons learnt that, if sustained might be helpful to scaling up efforts towards the attainment of the MDG goals.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Nigeria's Debt Relief Gains on the Millennium Development Goals:
Donor: Funded by the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President in Millennium Development Goals
Coverage: Nigeria
This programme has been implemented over six years. Within this period, CDD has acted as the National CSO. Her roles include general coordination of 45 civil society organisations (CSOs) engaged in the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of DRGs funded projects and programmes in Nigeria; periodic visits to project sites; collation of state reports; production and presentation of the annual MDG report to stakeholders.